Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Care and Maintenance of Your Windows-Based Computer

So you just left that big-box store with a big box, your excitement grows as you unpack it and prepare to, as they say in cyber land, boot up! Hold your horses though, because this is the best time of all to establish a regular maintenance program for your new technological treasure. Your computer system encompasses two main categories; hardware- the monitor, CPU (central processing unit) as it has come to be called, or tower, printer, scanner, mouse or trackball, and software- the Windows Operating System, whether it be Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP, and the applications that will run on it, such as word processing, spreadsheets, web browsing, gaming and the many millions of optional titles that are available.

Just like a car or a home, when it comes to the required maintenance, there are important tools that must be kept around and regularly used in order to be a responsible owner. In order to achieve the highest efficiency and satisfaction in the use of your electronic marvel, the continued optimization of your computers software is essential.

Computer software is a collection of ones and zeroes that is arranged by wizards like Bill Gates and company to perform specific functions. Just as a hammer and nails will put a house together, so these collections of ones and zeroes operate to perform any of the given applications, like QuickBooks or Doom. The problem with software is that when each application is not in sync with the blueprint, the whole works can tumble down.

The Windows Registry organizes all of your applications in a way that allows them to work together. This registry can become cluttered and inefficient over time as many applications start to conflict with its operation. Consider purchasing, either online or at a brick and mortar facility, a utility that works to clean up this application.

A Defragmentation program is built into Windows and third party products are also available. Use it often! It works to improve your overall data storage.

Sometimes you will want to uninstall an application, so cleaning out the remnants of its ones and zeroes by using the aforementioned tools is advisable.

All of your applications will require periodic updates to improve and maintain their usability with your computer system. Perform them when prompted.

Follow these simple precautions and they will, in the long run, make you a happy computer camper. Good luck and happy computing!
I'm an expert in computer repair and its overall performance. Read more here.
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